Compliance Portal of the ​Global Citizenship Foundation

Call for Participation

Working Groups


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From Europe to the World

The Working Groups at the Global Citizenship Foundation are dedicated forums designed as per the ​mandate of the Global Citizenship Foundation Charter to foster collaboration, innovation, and impactful ​initiatives in key areas of education and societal development. Each group serves as a hub for experts, ​educators, and advocates passionate about transforming education for human and planetary flourishing.

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Proposed Activities of the Working Groups

Co-Development of Working Group Roadmap: Establish a clear roadmap for the group's objectives and ​deliverables, aligning with the overarching vision of the Global Citizenship Foundation.

Regular Collaborative Meetings: Engage in scheduled online sessions to facilitate discussions, share ​diverse approaches, and exchange research findings related to transformative education for global ​citizenship.

Dedicated Space for Knowledge Sharing: Utilize the publishing platforms used by the Publications Division ​of the Global Citizenship Foundation, including our website, newsletter, and publications to disseminate ​insights and outcomes of the working groups.

Conference Participation: Organize and participate in dedicated sessions held during relevant Global ​Citizenship Foundation forums, conferences, and events, fostering robust discourse and sharing of best ​practices in transforming education for human and planetary flourishing.

Coordination for Special Journal Issues: Collaborate with our academic publications to curate and ​coordinate special issues focusing on transforming education, showcasing your diverse perspectives and ​innovative practices.

Publication of Compiled Research: Assemble a series of research papers produced within the working ​groups, culminating in a comprehensive publication such as a book or a compendium within the Global ​Citizenship Foundation's publication series, amplifying impactful findings and insights.

Joint Funding Proposal Development: Collaborate on the creation and development of joint funding ​proposals that align with the goals and principles of the Global Citizenship Foundation, seeking support for ​impactful educational initiatives.

K-12 Education Working Groups

Working Group

K-​12 Education

Global Citizenship Education

Working Group

K-12 Education

Social and Emotional Learning

Working Group

K-​12 Education

Artificial Intelligence and Emerging ​Technologies in K-12 Education

Working Group

K-12 Education

K-12 Teacher Education

Working Group

K-​12 Education

Education for Sustainable Development ​(K-12 Education)

Working Group

K-12 Education

Peace and Human Rights Education

Working Group

K-12 Education

Holocaust and Genocide Education

Working Group

K-12 Education

Education for Anti-Racism and ​Intercultural Understanding

Higher Education Working Groups

Working Group

Higher Education

Global Citizenship Education in Higher ​Education

Working Group

Higher Education

Social and Emotional Learning in Higher ​Education

Working Group

Higher Education

Artificial Intelligence & Emerging ​Technologies in Higher Education

Working Group

Higher Education

Education for Sustainable ​Development

Working Group

Higher Education

Capacity-Building of Professors and ​Lecturers

Working Group

Higher Education

Peace and Human Rights Education

Working Group

Higher Education

Holocaust and Genocide Education ​(Higher Education)

Working Group

Higher Education

Education for Anti-Racism and ​Intercultural Understanding

About Us

The Global Citizenship Foundation is a registered not-​for-profit specialist organization with a mandate to ​foster active global citizenship and Global Citizenship ​Education (GCED). The seat of the Global Citizenship F​oundation in the European Union is in Tallinn, Estonia.


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